“It is the cardinal difference between gift and commodity exchange that a gift establishes a feeling-bond between two people.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Photography is a method of teaching myself to be more attentive to the natural world around me. The greatest value for me is the experience of being outside, honored to experience the sight and sounds of wildlife.
Sometimes, I am able to capture some of the beauty and of what I experience in a photograph. I would like that to be a shared gift with you, not a commodity. If you would like to share your response to any of the photos, here is a form for you to do so. May we establish a feeling-bond between us.
Sometimes, I am able to capture some of the beauty and of what I experience in a photograph. I would like that to be a shared gift with you, not a commodity. If you would like to share your response to any of the photos, here is a form for you to do so. May we establish a feeling-bond between us.